10 Tips for Washing your Clothes at the Laundromat

We know living without a washer and dryer is many times not that nice… However it is what it is, and the best way to deal with it is to be aware how to make it easier while on the Laundromat.


First, having to “sit with your laundry.” couldn’t be the best plan in the world, so it is a good idea to get yourself distracted by watching a movie, or playing a game on your tablet. If that’s not an option, at least to take a couple of trips to some of the stores around in between loads. But honestly, the appeal starts wearing off quickly.


We love our customers, and we understand some people would say “surviving” the laundromat is pretty much the only way to describe it. So, if you have to go regularly, here’s some useful tips to make it less difficult:


1. Sort BEFORE you go. The key is to get in and get out. Remember what I said about the slasher movies? Well, you don’t want to be an unwilling character in one, so the key is speed.


2. Strive for simplicity. For the same reasons above, do all stain pre-treatments before you go. Also, this just means you have to carry less in with you. Lugging in the laundry is bad enough. Keep things simple by only bringing laundry, detergent {detergent tabs are even better} and dryer sheets. Bare bones, my friends, bare bones.DIY-Homemade-Laundry-Detergent-Tabs


3. Choose an off-ish hour. Now, I am not suggesting going in at 1 a.m. In fact, I would caution you against that, but being able to go in and do every load at one time {using 3-4 washers} is a real time saver. Middle of the day seems to be best…evenings after work or Saturday and Sundays are busy, though, so getting enough washers and dryers to do all the work at once is trickier.


4. Wipe ourt. Take the time to wipe out the washers and dryers before you use them. We know there are some people that are a little “germa-phobic”, and even though we always keep our machines very clean and under good maintenance, the reality is neither you or us can’t be sure that that a washer wasn’t get used to wash something too dirty and smelly, so to speak. It’s a basic precaution.


5. Smell the machine before you use it. Yep, you read that right. Smell to see if someone used bleach in it the cycle before you. If so, avoid putting your darks in it. Sometimes, people go just nuts with the bleach, and boom, next thing you know, your jeans are acid washed. Not good.


6. Bring a large black garbage bag. The weather here in Sanford sometimes can turn on you fast, and quite frankly, after stuffing $5.00 worth of quarters into a dryer, the last thing you want to do is take your freshly dried laundry out into the rain. Plus, even if it is sunny, you can always wear the garbage bag…


7. Get rolls of quarters and have them at the ready. Sure, you can usually get quarters at the change machine here in the laundromat, but it’s just easier to have them ready to go, in case you want just to go in and out in no time…..


8. Remember to check all of the settings. Whoever did laundry before you might have turned the settings to a small load on scorching hot. Check all of the dials, each and every time you wash to make sure.


9. Pay attention to your clothing. We know it is hard to just sit there while your laundry is washing, but remember leave your churning clothes unattended at your own risk. If you don’t get back in time, someone may just take the liberty of piling your clothes on top of one of the tables in order to use the machine. No one needs their unmentionables on display for all of the laundromat patrons to see.


10. Bring a basket to bring all of your laundry home in. The bags you hauled them in will work, but you may have a wrinkled mess by the time you get home. I like to stash a basket in the back of the car, and then, when it is time, quickly fold the laundry and drape the hang-up clothing over the top.

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